International - Vingrid - Opened: 07-19-2024

PlayersGuildsGreat Buildings World Selection
Last Updated: October 21, 2024 17:23 (EDT)

Top Player for 10-21-2024 is AresX with 182.10% points increase.

Top Fighter for 10-21-2024 is Yamy with 1,001 battles.
World Statistics
Active Players 2,319
Active Fighters 1,801
Players above 1,000,000 pts 979
Players above 100,000 pts 2,234
Players above 5,000 pts 4,125
Players above 10,000 fights 198
Players above 1,000 fights 1,224
Players above 100 fights 2,873
Players without a Guild 974
Inactive Players 1,758
Top 10 Players
Bloody Mary returns232,140,682
Scimmia Uomo142,008,249
Sierra Tango134,096,484
Method man109,060,056
Lord Stefanevs97,338,180
Top 10 Guilds (by Member Points)
Dragon Cave976,042,214
☠️ The Pirate Ship ⚔700,183,678
Macedonian Phalanx503,030,130
New horizon248,193,567
⚜️ ELYSIUM ⚜️235,431,397
Arcane Titans233,692,661
Iron Throne224,034,961
The Black Watch168,333,281
Top 10 Great Buildings
Bloody Mary returnsThe ArcLevel 170
AndorzinThe ArcLevel 154
MatseThe ArcLevel 151
Sierra TangoThe ArcLevel 150
starbugThe ArcLevel 147
weeebenThe ArcLevel 147
Scimmia UomoThe ArcLevel 146
PurpleorcThe ArcLevel 136
BrighidThe ArcLevel 131
Katara the Water BenderThe ArcLevel 131